Venkateswar English Medium School, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar is located in the Educational Hub of Eastern India which was founded by the great visionary, renowned educationist and illustrious personality Mr. Rabindra Nath Pati on 10.01.1995. The School Building was inaugurated by the then Honble Governor of Odisha his excellency Sj. Gopal Ramanujam on 10.01.1996.
The school is affiliated to C.B.S.E. Delhi and has been functioning very well in meeting the needs of the students and desires of the parents. Venkateswar English Medium School, Chandrasekharpur has endeared itself to the people of Bhubaneswar by offering qualitative education. VEMS is a unique institution offering value-based and holistic education to its pupils. The illustrious alumni of this prestigious institution have reached top echelons of the society both at National and Level..